
Welfare and Support for a better future

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Our Mission

Improving Lives,Restoring Hope


Give a helping hand,join us to save lives


About Us

Contributing to the Poor Differently

Welcome to Gerogina Imoiseme Foundation(GIMO), where passion meets purpose.
We are a dedicated team of individuals driven by a shared vision of creating a positive impact on society. With unwavering commitment, we strive to make a difference in the lives of those who need it the most.

At GIMO, we firmly believe that everyone deserves an equal opportunity to thrive and live a dignified life. We work tirelessly to address critical social issues and provide sustainable solutions that bring about lasting change in our communities.


About Her Story

Legacy of Welfare

Mrs Georgina Imoiseme Okhawere died of cancer in 2012. During her lifetime, she was a very active person, selfless in service to humanity. She was one person who knew how to sacrifice for the comfort of others. In 2022(ten years after her demise), her family chose to remember how she lived and carry on her legacy by instituting a foundation in her honor.

In April 2012 shortly after her burial,the family made cash donation to a cancer patient in the central hospital,Benin City under the direction of Dr. Ofunre Eboreime.

The Georgina Imoiseme Okhawere Foundation(GIMO) is a concretisation of her legacy of welfare..


Key Focus Areas

Our core aims and objectives

"True compassion lies in our ability to see the humanity in every individual, and to extend a helping hand to those in need. It is through lifting others up that we truly uplift ourselves." – Unknown

Welfare Support

At GIMO Foundation,We are committed to providing all forms of assistance,care to the less priviledge persons in the society


We are committed to providing educational access to indigent students through the award of scholarships


GIMO aims to discover talents,promote intellectual and creative activities,mentorship,counselling and coaching for young & vulnerable individuals in the society

What We Do

Join us to provide support and welfare

We are a compassionate and dedicated non-profit organization focused on providing welfare and support to individuals,under priviledge children and communities in need.

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Fundraising for the people and causes you care about


Our Team

Get Involved. Volunteer. Make a Difference.

Behind the GIMO Foundation is a team of dedicated professionals and passionate volunteers from diverse backgrounds who are driven by a shared commitment to our mission as we value diversity, collaboration, and the power of collective efforts in achieving our goals
Become a Volunteer


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